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Faculty of Divinity



I am a doctoral candidate in Theology and Religious Studies (World Christianity) at Trinity College, Cambridge

Having obtained an MA (Glasgow) and an MPhil (Oxford) in the field of Classics, I moved on to the more modern history of Christianity in Indonesia.  My PhD research focuses on the development of indigenous Christianity in Nias, Indonesia.


World Christianity

Indonesian religions

Dutch colonial history

Anthropology of religion

Ancient religion


Greek and Roman cults


Key publications: 

'Rational and Irrational Suicide in Plato and Modern Psychiatry', BJPsych Advances 26.4 (2020): 1-7

'Plato and the Language of Mysteries: Orphic/Pythagorean and Eleusinian Motifs and Register in Ten Dialogues', Mnemosyne 73.1 (2020): 36-62

'Strategies for preventing occupational stress in healthcare workers: past evidence, current problems', BJPsych Advances 27.3 (2021): 205-210

Contact Details

Email address: 
Available for consultancy


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