The Faculty is pleased to announce the following studentships available for specific subject areas. These are prestigious awards only given to candidates demonstrating the highest levels of academic excellence and promise.
Funding decisions are taken on the basis of an assessment of: academic ability and research potential, examination results, references and interview; but also consideration is given to the suitability of your proposed topic within the Faculty’s research priorities and the availability of expert supervisors.
The studentships are available to students of any nationality.
Unless otherwise stated, there is no separate application form to complete. Applicants must simply indicate on their degree course application form when they apply (by ticking a box) that they wish to be considered for funding. Overseas students are eligible for studentships which are advertised at the Home rate, but may have to obtain other funding to cover the difference for non-UK fees and Home Fees.
Application Deadline |
The deadline for applying for the Faculty's Studentships is Tuesday 3 December 2024. You must ensure that your application form is submitted before 12 am (midnight UK time). |
The Crosse Studentship
The Bethune-Baker Studentship
John Marks and Mulberry Studentship |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Please note this studentship is not available in 2025.
Criteria and Eligibility:
Criteria and Eligibility:
New Testament Studies |
The Kirby Laing Studentship in New Testament |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Please note this studentship is not available in 2025. |
History of Christianity |
The Hort Studentship in Biblical, Hellenistic or Patristics |
Criteria and Eligibility:
The Peregrine Maitland Studentship |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Please note this studentship is not available in 2025. |
Edward Bailey Study of Religion Fund Studentship (MPhil)
Edward Bailey Study of Religion Fund Studentship (PhD) |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Criteria and Eligibility:
The Sheikh Zayed Studentship in Islamic Studies (PhD) |
Criteria and Eligibility:
The Hartwell Studentship in Islamic Studies (MPhil)
The Hartwell Studentship in Islamic Studies (PhD) |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Criteria and Eligibility:
The Polonsky-Coexist Studentship in Jewish Studies (MPhil)
The Shapiro Studentship in Jewish Studentship in Jewish Studies (MPhil) |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Criteria and Eligibility:
The Burney Studentships |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Hinduism and Buddhism |
The Theological Studies Studentship in Hinduism and Buddhism (MPhil) |
Please note this studentship is not available in 2025. |
The University’s competitions for Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) awards and the Cambridge Trust awards are all open to eligible applicants to the Faculty.
Prospective applicants may also find it helpful to consult the University's Postgraduate Admissions Office funding webpage for other funding opportunities.
Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Training Partnership (AHRC) |
There is a OODPT Collaborative Doctoral Award available this year on Inter-religious Encounter. Further details are available on the Cambridge Interfaith website. Deadline: Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Cambridge Trust
Background Information: The Cambridge Trust works with partners worldwide to provide a variety of scholarship schemes. The Trust has been offering scholarships at Cambridge for over 30 years. In this time it has awarded more than 20,000 scholarships to students from around the world. The Cambridge Trust awards around 500 scholarships a year to support the most outstanding students. It also supports more than 1200 current students each year. The Trust awards students at both PhD and Master's level, in all subjects, at any of the 31 Colleges. How to Apply: You should tick the 'Apply for Funding' box on your online application form Application Deadline: Tuesday 3rd December 2024. |
Gates Cambridge Scholarships
Background Information:Gates Cambridge Scholarships are highly prestigious awards and competition is fierce. There are two application rounds:
The scholarships are awarded to applicants who can demonstrate excellence in all four Gates’ criteria:
How to Apply:
Gates Cambridge Scholars are expected to demonstrate not only academic excellence but also leadership potential and a commitment to improving the lives of others, and it is important to use the Gates section of the application form to convey this information to the assessors. Because the Cambridge application form places strong emphasis on intellectual ability, the Gates Trust requests that candidates fill in a statement supporting their application for a Gates Cambridge Scholarships (up to 500 words) and an additional reference. These should make particular reference to the Gates’ criteria that are not covered elsewhere in the Cambridge application form. For example: leadership potential and a commitment to improving the lives of others. Important Points to Bear in Mind when Applying:Do not reiterate your academic achievements in the Gates section of the application form. There are numerous pages on the application form that should demonstrate your academic abilities. The Gates box and reference are the only places where you can demonstrate your service for others and leadership. There is no need to make a further case for your intellectual qualities. Make sure that you detail the nature of service or leadership. Assessors view significant quantitative information about your academic study: academic grades, professors’ assessment of how students compare to their cohort, degrees studied, languages learnt and to what level. Similar detail should be given about service and leadership. What did you do? How did it make a difference? How many years did you undertake the role? How many people were in the team you led? Don't assume knowledge on the part of the assessors. Applicants often enumerate service and leadership in just a single sentence, and so fail to provide the detail that is needed and assume assessors will understand the service undertaken. Theologians and scholars in Religious Studies often fail to describe what leadership and service can be seen in a mission trip, being a minister of religion or teaching in a religious context. Don't choose as your Gates referee another person who comments on your academic ability. Two academic references are required for any application for postgraduate study in Cambridge. The Gates reference needs specifically to address leadership potential and commitment to improving the lives of others. Your Gates referee may need to be informed that they need to speak to the evidence of you leadership and service for others. Community leaders often get the wrong idea about what they need to do for a "Cambridge application" and write about academic ability, when what is needed is detail about community involvement. Don't write an aspirational statement about future leadership or service. Commitment to others and leadership potential are demonstrated through past activities, however modest. Past leadership or service especially if sustained over a period of time makes more of an impression. The more detail the better. Don't have a narrow sense of what leadership and commitment to the lives of others means. Starting an international charity and managing a team of thirty people are not the only means of demonstrating leadership and service. It can be small things, such as serving in a soup kitchen as part of a team or helping a struggling school pupil with their studies. In addition, note that ‘others’ has not been restricted to human beings. |
Several Cambridge Colleges have historical funds to support graduate studies in Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion (see some examples below). Prospective students are encouraged to consult the individual College webpages for more detailed information.
Polkinghorne Studentship in the Philosophy of Religion(Queens College) |
Criteria and Eligibility:
This studentship has been made possible by the endowment generously bestowed upon Queens' College by its former President, the Reverend Dr John Polkinghorne, KBE, FRS. |
Trinity Studentship in Theology and Huffington Studentship(Trinity College) |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Cambridge Theological Federation Awards |
Some members and associate members of the Cambridge Theological Federation also offer awards in support of graduate studies. |
Lewis and Gibson Scholarship(Westminster College, Cambridge) |
The details on this scholarship can be found here |
The Woolf Institute |
Criteria and Eligibility:
Teape Studentship in Hindu-Christian StudiesWolfson College |
Criteria and Eligibility: