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Faculty of Divinity


Christian Theology Research Seminars

The graduate seminar in Christian Theology meets fortnightly each term.  It’s a lively and friendly forum for graduate students and senior members. A wide range of topics are discussed relating to Christian theology, often with a philosophical, historical, or exegetical dimension, as well as themes of from ethics and Christian practice.  

Christian Theology Seminar Programme 2024/25


Convenor Professor David Fergusson (

All colleagues, MPhil and PhD students in Christian Theology or other areas (such as Classics, History and Philosophy), from within and outside the Faculty, are warmly welcome. 


The seminar meets in the Lightfoot Room, Wednesdays in the Faculty of Divinity from 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm, unless otherwise stated.


                                                             Michaelmas Term


16 October                  ‘Is God Green?’

Professor Gordon Graham (Princeton Theological Seminary)

Respondent: Marilu Bosoms Hernandez (Cambridge)


30 October                  ‘Cosmic and Human Dimensions of Religious Allegiance’

Professor John Cottingham (Reading & Oxford)

Respondent: Dr Emily Qureshi-Hurst (Cambridge)


13 November              ‘Christianity and Democracy’

Dr Jonathan Chaplin (Centre for Faith and Public Life, Wesley House, Cambridge)

                                    Respondent: Dr Jenny Leith (Westcott House, Cambridge)


4 December                ‘Divine Presence as Activity and the Incarnation: Revisiting Chalcedonian Christology’

                                    Dr Alexander Jensen (Eastern Region Ministry Course, Cambridge)

                                    Respondent: Catherine Nancekievill (Cambridge)


‘Unfolding Creation’, The Hulsean Lectures for 24/25 will be delivered by Professor Willie James Jennings (Yale Divinity School) at 5 pm in the Runcie Room on 14, 17, 21 & 23 October.