Emeritus Professor of the History of Christianity
Fellow of Magdalene College
Dean & Fellow, Pembroke College
Director of Studies in Theology, Pembroke College
Paper Coordinator B7, Themes in World Christianities
01223 338147
Professor of Ancient Christian History and Patristic Studies
Director of Studies in Theology, Homerton College
01223 763023
Dean and Senior Tutor, Peterhouse
Fellow in Theology, Peterhouse
Director of Studies, Hughes Hall
Senior Postgraduate Tutor, Churchill College
Professor of the Study of Religion
Director of Studies, Wolfson College
01223 763030
Professor of Reformation History
Polkinghorne Fellow in Theology and Religious Studies at Queens' College, Cambridge
Director of Studies, Queen's College
01223 763002
Affiliated Lecturer, Faculty of Divinity
Dean, Clare College
Director of Studies, Clare College
01223 333240
Emeritus Professor of Modern Church History
Life Fellow of Fitzwilliam College
PhD Candidate in History of Christianity
Lewis and Gibson Scholar, Westminster College