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Faculty of Divinity


History of Christianity Research Seminars

Professor Alec Ryrie (Durham) speaking on 'Faith, Doubt, and the Problem of Atheism in Reformation Britain.'  This seminar is open to senior members and graduate students of the University. Others interested in attending should contact one of the convenors. The Seminar Chair is Professor Richard Rex.

The History of Christianity Seminar meets on alternate Wednesdays during term to hear and discuss research papers on any aspect of the history of Christianity from the medieval to the contemporary period. We aim for a mixture of subjects and speakers (both established researchers and doctoral students, from inside and outside Cambridge) through the academic year.

We welcome papers by speakers from outside Cambridge, and especially from scholars based overseas but visiting the United Kingdom for academic purposes. We can reimburse speakers’ travel expenses within the UK at a reasonable rate (i.e. standard class rail fares, taxis, etc). Recent outside speakers have included Mark Noll, Tom Mayer, Brad Gregory, and Robert Ventresca. If you would like to offer a paper to the seminar, please contact one of the convenors.

Image used on this page: Title: Seminar in the Lightfoot Room. © University of Cambridge. All Rights Reserved.


Easter Term 2024

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