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Faculty of Divinity


Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) Research Seminar and the Miqra Society

This Seminar is chaired on a termly basis by Professor Katharine Dell, and Professor Nathan MacDonald.

It hosts papers from both invited visitors and Cambridge scholars on the broad theme of the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, as well as the historical and archaeological contexts, Hebrew language, reception of the Bible, and some second temple topics.

It is the main gathering for graduate students, scholars and visiting scholars in the University interested in the field of Old Testament studies.

Visitors are welcome to attend, and are invited to contact one of the chairs in advance to introduce themselves. Suggestions of possible speakers or topics may also be made to the chairs.

Related seminars are also hosted by the Cambridge Forum for Jewish Studies.


(Old Testament) HEBREW BIBLE                            




Lent Term 2024-25



Meetings will be held on Wednesdays  in the Faculty of Divinity 

Runcie Room at 2:30 pm followed by tea at 4pm in the Selwyn Room upstairs.                                                                    


January 29 -  Kevin Mattison (Bristol), The Making of the Pentateuch: A Frankenstein's Model


February 12 - Dalit Rom Shiloni (Tel Aviv), Beta Israel’s (Jewish-Ethiopians) Biblical Scriptures: The Known, and Even More, the Unknown                                                                                                         

February 26 - Ben Kantor (Cambridge), The Origins of ‘In the Beginning’: Genesis 1.1 in Light of the Hebrew Reading Traditions

March 12 - Charlotte Hempel (Birmingham), Literary Hegemonies and Social Ghosts in the Second Temple Period (Tyrwhitt Lecture)

March 19 - Jennie Grillo (South Bend, IN), “Flesh and bones as you see I have": Body Terminology and Divine Difference in the Hebrew Bible


 Further information: Professor Nathan MacDonald


 All warmly welcome