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Faculty of Divinity


ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY & RELIGION Colloquium University of Cambridge, May 14th-16th, 2014



Convenor: George van Kooten, Cambridge / Groningen 

Attendance is free and open to all academics and postgraduates, but those from outside Cambridge are asked to register by emailing

Most papers will be published in a new Brill Series “Ancient Philosophy & Religion” (editors: George-Boys Stones, Durham; George van Kooten, Groningen)

WEDNESDAY EVENING May 14th (Clare Hall - Herschel Road, Meeting Room; entrance via Porter’s Lodge)

8-9 pm Judith Lieu (Cambridge), "Perspectives on Marcion and Justin Martyr"

9-10 pm Bernhard Lang (Aarhus/Paderborn), "The religion of the ancient Cynic philosophers and its bearing on the early Jesus movement"

THURSDAY May 15th (Divinity Faculty, Room 2)

9.00-9.55 am David Sedley (Cambridge), "Carneades' theological arguments"

9.55-10.50 am Nick Denyer (Cambridge), "The real Euthyphro problem, solved"

Coffee break (10.50-11.10 am)

11.10-12.05 pm Frisbee Sheffield (Cambridge), "Eros and piety"

12.05 -1.00 pm Daniele Pevarello (Trinity College Dublin), "Criticism of verbosity in ancient philosophical and early Christian writings"

Lunch for speakers at Clare Hall (1-2 pm)

2-3 pm George van Kooten (Cambridge/Groningen), "The Last Days of Socrates and Christ: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo read in counterpoint with John’s Gospel" 

3-4 pm Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler (Göttingen), "Neoplatonic readings of the incarnation"

4-5pm Harold Tarrant (Cambridge), Plotinus, Ammonius and Origenes on the theology of the Parmenides and Second Epistle

FRIDAY May 16th (Divinity Faculty, Runcie Room)

9.00-9.55 am Anders Klostergaard Petersen (Aarhus), "Philosophy and religion and their interactions in the ancient Graeco-Roman World on the basis of 4 Maccabees"

9.55-10.50 am Helen Van Noorden (Cambridge), "Philosophical traces in the Sibylline Oracles"

Coffee break (10.50-11.10 am)

11.10-12.05 pm Simon Gathercole (Cambridge), "Christians according to second-century philosophers"

12.05-1.00 pm Rebecca Flemming (TBC) (Cambridge), "Galen on Jews and Christians"

Lunch for speakers at Clare Hall (1-2 pm)


Current students and supervisors can access the Faculty’s Moodle page by clicking on the image below.