The Talmud and Christianity: Rabbinic Judaism after Constantine
An International Conference at Murray Edwards College
June 27 - 28, 2016
The University of Cambridge
Organized by Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Daniel Weiss, and Holger Zellentin
(For full conference description, please click here.)
Programme (subject to change):
Monday, June 27, 2016
9:30 Welcome
9:45 Moulie Vidas (Princeton University)
“The Emergence of the Non-Scriptural Canon among Jews and Christians in Palestine” (45 minutes)
10:30 Catherine Hezser (School of Oriental and African Studies)
“The Creation of the Talmud and Apophthegmata Patrum As Monuments to the Rabbinic and Monastic Movements in Early Byzantine Times” (45 minutes)
11:15 Coffee Break (15 minutes)
11:30 Philip Alexander (University of Manchester)
“Late Roman Theories of the State and the Rabbis of Palestine” (45 minutes)
12:15 Marton Ribary (University of Manchester)
“Comparative Talmud Research Beyond the Influence Paradigm” (45 minutes)
13:00 lunch break (60 minutes)
14:00 Matthias Morgenstern (Universität Tübingen)
“Reflections on Edom and Edom’s Mother in Bereshit Rabba” (45 minutes)
14:45 Tali Artman-Partok (University of Cambridge)
“How to kill the political parrhesia without killing the political?” (45 minutes)
15:30 Coffee Break (15 minutes)
15:45 Daniel Weiss (University of Cambridge)
“The Christianization of Rome and the Edomization of Christianity: minut, avodah zarah, and Political Power” (45 minutes)
16:30 Karin Zetterholm (Lund University)
“Rabbis in Conversation with Jesus-Oriented Groups: An Ancient Version of the ’Who Is a Jew?’ Debate” (45 minutes)
17:15 coffee break
17:30 Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe (Kings College London)
“Demons between the Fathers of the Church and the Rabbis” (45 minutes)
18:15 Response (TBD)
18:30 Dinner (By Invitation)
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
9:00 Holger Zellentin (University of Nottingham)
“The Rabbis and Typology” (45 minutes)
9:45 Reuven Kiperwasser
"What is Hidden in the Small Box?: Kohelet Rabbah and John Moschos’ Spiritual Meadow" (45 minutes)
10:30 Coffee Break (15 minutes)
10:45 Helen Spurling (University of Southhampton)
“The End of the World: Interpretations of Daniel and the Christianization of the Roman Empire” (45 minutes)
11:30 Michal Bar-Asher Siegal (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
“What Will Become of Us at the Hands of the Heretics?: On Minim Stories in the Babylonian Talmud” (45 minutes)
12:15 Ron Naiweld (Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique)
“Some considerations on the history of the Talmud and Christianity and a proposition of a new method” (45 minutes)
13:00 Lunch Break (60 minutes)
14:00 Sacha Stern (University College London)
“Passover and Easter in Talmudic Babylonia” (45 minutes)
14:45 Abraham J. Berkovitz (Princeton University)
“Opening the Psalter and Crafting a Reader: Psalm 1 Between Jews and Christians” (45 minutes)
15:30 Coffee Break (15 Minutes)
15:45 Emmanouela Grypeou (FU Berlin)
“Encounters regarding magic in the Talmud and (Syriac) Christianity” (45 minutes)
16:30 Simcha Gross ( Yale University)
“Persecution as Power: Pirqoi ben Baboi and John of Fenek in Context” (45 minutes)
17:15 Moshe Lavee (University of Haifa)
“There is either Jew or Gentile, Man or Woman: Essentialism of Gender and Ethnicity in the Babylonian Talmud” (45 minutes)
18:00 Farewell (15 Minutes)
The Long Room, Murray Edwards College, Cambridge
The conference has been sponsored by a generous grant of the European Association for Jewish Studies and by the Cambridge Faculty of Divinity.
Attendance is free and open to the public. To rsvp, or if you have any questions, please contact Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Daniel Weiss, or Holger Zellentin