Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Postdoctoral Researcher) at the Heisenberg-Professur für Literaturgeschichte des Alten Testaments (Prof. Dr. Joachim J. Krause), Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2023-Present. Habilitation Project: “Strategic Essentialism within and without Pan-Israelite Identity in the Book of Joshua” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft as part of grant project 492891937 “Josua postkolonial.”
Gastwissenschaftlerin (Visiting Scholar), Theologische Fakultät, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, October 2022-April 2023. Research stay funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Research Grant for Doctoral Candidates.
PhD in Theology and Religious Studies, Christ's College, University of Cambridge, 2019-2023. Christ's Studentship in Theology.
Master of Philosophy in Theology and Religious Studies (MPhil), Christ's College, University of Cambridge, 2018-2019. Dissertation: Distinction.
Course Certificate, "Historical and Geographical Settings of the Bible," Jerusalem University College, May 2018.
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies, Biola University, 2014-2018. Summa Cum Laude (GPA: 4.0). Epsilon Kappa Epsilon Scholastic Honors Scholar, St. Anne's on the Hill Award, Order of Peter and Paul, and President's Academic Scholarship.
- Conceptions of Covenant
- Postcolonial Approaches to Ancient West Asia and North Africa
- Mesopotamian Law and Legal Literature
- Social Structure of the Ancient Levant
- Portrayals of Davidic Kingship
- The Deuteronomistic History
- Political Reception History of the Hebrew Bible
- Metacriticism of Biblical Scholarship
Editor, With Marietta van der Tol, Zoran Grozdanov, and Petr Kratochvíl, Christian Identity Within and Beyond the State: European Ecumenical Perspectives. Brill: Leiden. Under contract, anticipated 2024.
“The Sons of Esau and Lot: Reevaluating National States in Deuteronomy 2,” Horizons in Biblical Theology 45.2 (2024).
“Covenant and Kingship: Reconsidering the Oath of David and Jonathan,” Journal of Biblical Literature 141.4 (2022): 635-651.
Special Issue Co-editor, with Marietta van der Tol, “Old Testament Imaginaries of the Nation in German, Dutch, and Anglo-American Political Thought,” Journal of the Bible and Its Reception 8.2 (2021): 139-141.
“‘We the People of Israel’: Covenant, Constitution, and the Supposed Biblical Origins of Modern Democratic Political Thought,” Special Issue of the Journal of the Bible and Its Reception 8.2 (2021): 247-268.
Teaching and Supervisions
- David: Israel’s Greatest Hero? – Theology Tripos A2
- David: Israel’s Greatest Hero? – Theology Tripos A2
- Israel in Exile: Literature, History and Theology – Theology Tripos B2
- Empire, Religion and Identity: Judaism in the Persian Period - Theology Tripos D1a
- Elementary Hebrew – Theology Tripos A1a
- Intermediate Hebrew - Theology Tripos B1a
Other Professional Activities
Co-chair of the Protestant Political Thought project, funded by the DAAD, jointly held between the Cambridge Centre for Geopolitics (POLIS) and the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University.
Society of Biblical Literature, Committee for the Status of Women in the Profession.