Most of Dr Mein's teaching is for the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry programme within the Cambridge Theological Federation. Here he contributes to all of the OT papers, but with a particular focus on prophets and historical books. His main research interests are in the book of Ezekiel, Old Testament Ethics, and the reception and interpretation of biblical texts in church and society. He is currently working on a commentary for the Blackwell series which will examine the way Ezekiel has been used by different communities through the centuries. Since 2004 he has been editor of the Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies (formerly the Journal for the Study of the OT Supplement Series).
- Ezekiel
- Psalms
- Old Testament Ethics
- The reception and interpretation of biblical texts in church and society
Key publications:
- Ezekiel and the Ethics of Exile (Oxford: OUP, 2001)
- ‘The Daily Office and the Shape of the Psalter’, Studia Liturgica 33 (2003), 240-50
- ‘Profitable and Unprofitable Shepherds: Economic and Theological Perspectives on Ezekiel 34’, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 31(2007), 493-504.
- ‘Threat or Promise: The Old Testament on Sexuality’ in D. Dormor and J. Morris (eds.), An Acceptable Sacrifice? Homosexuality and the Church(London: SPCK, 2007), 22-32.
- ‘The Radical Amos in Savonarola's Florence' in A.C. Hagedorn and A. Mein (eds.) Aspects of Amos: Exegesis and Interpretation (T&T Clark, 2011), 117-140.
- ‘Ezekiel’s Women in Christian Interpretation: The Case of Ezekiel 16’, in A. Mein &P. M. Joyce (eds.), After Ezekiel: Essays on the Reception History of a Difficult Prophet (T&T Clark, 2011), 159-84.
Teaching and Supervisions
- Reading the Christian Bible
- Introduction to the Old Testament
- Biblical Exegesis (Ezekiel & Daniel)
- Further Old Testament Studies