Aspray, S. (2021), Metaphysics in the Reformation: The Case of Peter Martyr Vermigli, British Academy Monograph Series, OUP
Refereed Journal Articles
Aspray, S. (2022) “Performative Finitude: Theological Language and the God-World-Relationship in Nicholas of Cusa's De Non Aliud”, International Journal of Systematic Theology 24/2, 173-190
Aspray, S. (2018) “An Augustinian Response to Jean-Louis Chrétien’s Phenomenology of Prayer”, International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79/3, 311-322
Aspray, S. (2018) “A Complex Legacy: Louis Bouyer and the Metaphysics of the Reformation”, Modern Theology 34/1, 3-22
Aspray, S. (2017) “Peter Martyr Vermigli's Preces Sacrae (1564) and the Problem of Prayers as Historical Sources”, Reformation and Renaissance Review 19/2, 87-103
Bürki, S. (2014) “Innere und äussere Angelegenheiten im Berner Staatskirchenrecht in historisch-theologischer Sicht”, Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Kirchenrecht 19, 81-103
Chapters in Books
Aspray, S. (2021) "Gottes radikale Gabe und die menschliche Individualität: Zur Gott-Welt-Beziehung im Licht von Jakobus 1,17f" in "Wachet und Betet": Mystik, Spiritualität und Gebet in Zeiten politischer und gesellschaftlicher Unruhe, Oliver Dürr et al. (eds.), Aschendorff, 44–53
Bürki, S. and Peter Opitz (2014) “Der Heidelberger Katechismus im Kontext zeitgenössischer reformierter Katechismen”, in Handbuch Heidelberger Katechismus, Arnold Huijgen et al. (eds.), Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 184–192
Dictionary entries
Aspray, S. (2021) Entires "Eminence”, “pre-eminent” and “Theurgy” in Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 4th edition, edited by Andrew Louth, OUP
Review Articles and Reviews
Aspray, S. (2018) Review: Christian Ströbele, Performanz und Diskurs bei Cusanus, Reviews in Religion and Theology 25.3, 570-572
Bürki, S. (2016) Review: Johannes Hoff, The Analogical Turn, 2013, Reviews in Religion and Theology 23.1 (2016), 52-55
Bürki, S. (2016) Review: Christopher Baker et al, A Philosophy of Christian Materialism, 2015, Theology 119.3 (2016), 222-223
Bürki, S. (2015) “The (Missing) Praxis of Radical Hermeneutics”, Review: Thomas Pfau, Minding the Modern, 2015, Syndicate: A New Forum for Theology 2, 89–94
Bürki, S. (2012) Review: Amy Nelson Burnett, Karlstadt and the Origins of the Eucharistic Controversy, 2011, Zwingliana (39/2012), 157–161
Aspray S. (2019) “On the Importance of the Sensible World in Nicholas of Cusa’s Mystagogy”, Noesis: Theology, Philosophy, Politics 6, 54-61
Bürki S. (2016) “’There Can Be No Truth Without a Conversion’: Knowledge of God and the Transformation of the Self”, Noesis: Theology, Philosophy, Poetics 3, 26-31
Bürki S. (2014) “Abundance and Simplicity: Participation in Babette's Feast”, Noesis: Theology, Philosophy, Poetics 1, 16–21