Max Kramer grew up in Morpeth in the North East of England. Following a degree in Classics at Balliol College, Oxford and a year working as a Pastoral Assistant he came to Cambridge to train for the priesthood at Westcott House. At the same time he studied the Theology & Religious Studies Tripos and an MPhil in Old Testament at St John’s College.
Since then Max has taught Hebrew, Classical and Biblical Greek, Latin and Old Testament to Undergraduate and Graduate Students. He has also been a Research Assistant on a range of book projects based in the Faculty. Max is interested in the relationship between Christianity and Judaism and Classical literature and culture, ancient biblical translations, methods in language teaching, and Access & Outreach work encouraging a wide range of students to study the ancient world at University.
Max is co-convenor of the weekly research seminar Being Jewish, Writing Greek, which explores Greek literature of the Hellenistic and Imperial Periods that was written by Jews. He is currently working on the Hellenistic poet Ezekiel the Tragedian, who wrote a Greek tragedy about the story of the Exodus.
Max is also Assistant Curate of Little St Mary’s Church, Trumpington Street, and Undergraduate Administrator of the Faculty of Classics, where he organises the Classical Tripos and the Faculty’s Access & Outreach activities.