Guidance for teachers
Challenge rating
Video overview
This video describes key beliefs in Christianity, reflecting on the writings of Mother Julian of Norwich.
Curriculum links
Widely relevant to locally agreed syllabuses for religious education at Key Stage 3 and all GCSE and A level exam boards covering Christianity. This video is relevant to lessons about the nature of God, key Christian beliefs, and the development of Christian thought.
Suggested questions and activities
- What words would you use to describe God?
- How might Christians live out Julian of Norwich’s teachings in their lives today?
- If God is love, where might God be found?
- If God is omniscient, is it possible for humans to have free will?
- How does the Christian belief that God became incarnate (embodied in human form), relate to the question of how humans know God?
- Write an acrostic for one of the following words: omniscient, transcendent, benevolent
- How might poetry and art bring us closer to God? (teachers may like to use Dr Malcolm Guite's reading of his Magic Apple Tree poem, based on the painting, as a starter activity. The text of the poem can be found here. A supplementary activity could be to write a poem on the nature of God, based around a chosen piece of art).