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Faculty of Divinity



Annalisa Phillips Wilson is joining the faculty of divinity to teach New Testament during the 2022–23 academic year. Although originally from the U.S., she has lived in the U.K. since 2013 and has taught at schools in both. Dr Phillips Wilson read theology as an undergraduate, received an MA in Biblical studies from King’s College London, and recently completed her PhD at Durham University. Her doctoral research compared Pauline ethics with ancient Stoic ethics and a revised version of that thesis has been published with Brill.


Key publications: 


Paul and the Jewish Law: A Stoic Ethical Perspective on His Inconsistency. (Ancient Philosophy & Religion, vol. 8) Leiden: Brill, 2022.


'The Craftsman: Paul's Law of Christ and the Stoic Law of Nature', Journal of Biblical Literature 141 (2022), 381–401.

᾽Συνείδησις in Paul's Texts and Stoic Self-Perception', New Testament Studies 69.2 (March 2023): 182–94. 

'"One Thing": Stoic Discourse and Paul's Reevaluation of his Jewish Credentials in Phil. 3.1–21', Journal for the Study of the New Testament 45.4 (June 2023): 429–50.

Teaching Associate in New Testament

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