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Faculty of Divinity



The single idea that interests me most is the interconnection between truth and beauty. I like to ground myself primarily in continental philosophy, though I am particularly interested in its relationship to both theology and English literature. My specific research interests centre on English Romanticism, French phenomenology, and aesthetics. I currently teach the first part of paper A8, which covers the development of philosophy of religion from Plato through to Nicholas of Cusa. I also teach paper C11, which reflects upon the nature of truth. This second paper spans the whole range of thought from Plato and Thomas Aquinas through to cutting-edge developments in French philosophy. I have previously taught courses on aesthetics and the development of philosophical atheism. Recent publications include ‘Coleridge: Sublimity or Beauty?’ (European Romantic Review) and ‘Merleau-Ponty: Beauty, Phenomenology, and the “Theological Turn”’ (Theory, Culture & Society). Forthcoming publications include ‘Coleridge and the Materiality of Translucence’ (European Romantic Review).

Teaching Associate (Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Divinity)

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