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Faculty of Divinity



Dr Qureshy read for a MA in Ancient Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford (Oriel College) with a dissertation on Aristotle’s theory of metabasis in the Posterior Analytics and a PhD in Philosophical Theology at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge (Wolfson College) with a thesis that explored the development of theological method in the classical Ash‘arī school.


Dr Qureshy’s current research is focussed on three main areas: knowledge and methods of reasoning in Aristotle, specifically in Topics and Prior- and Posterior Analytics; theological method and systematicity in the Islamic philosophico-theological tradition post-Juwaynī; and post-Razian developments in logic.


Key publications: 
  • Ismā‘īl Gelenbevī: The Life, Works, and Thought of an 18th Century Ottoman Polymath (forthcoming with De Gruyter)
  • Development of Theological Method in Classical Ash‘arism (forthcoming with De Gruyter)
Other publications: 
  • Ontological Contrariety in Classical Ash‘arism (forthcoming)

Teaching and Supervisions


C9: Arabic Philosophy and Philosophical Theology (teaching and supervision); A7: World Religions (supervision).

Other Professional Activities

Advisory Board: Global Philosophy of Religion, University of Birmingham.

Advisory Board: Comparative Theology Planning Grant, Faculty of Philosophy, University of York. 

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Faculty of Divinity
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Clare Hall

Contact Details

Email address: 
Not available for consultancy




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