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Faculty of Divinity


Peach Hoyle has been awarded the Woolf Institute Cambridge Scholarship to commence their PhD studies in 2022 in the Faculty of Divinity under the supervision of Professor Esra Özyürek and Dr Daniel Weiss. 

Peach is currently conducting fieldwork on women's interfaith initiatives, looking in particular at the activities and forms of expression which take place in women's interfaith spaces. Recently, Peach has been focusing on "convivial" activities such as crafting and food sharing in women's interfaith spaces, asking why these activities tend to be so common in women-specific spaces. They are also interested in understanding the relationship between women's interfaith spaces and change-making, in particular how and whether women's interfaith spaces facilitate and/or curtail religious and political activism.

Peach previously received a BA (Hons.) in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Cambridge and an MSt in Religious Studies from the University of Oxford. They have been involved in a number of community and grassroots organisations, and have a practical interest in the ways that people can organise to create or resist change in policy, law and practice.


I am at PhD student at the University of Cambridge looking for women to interview about their experiences of participating in interfaith initiatives. My focus is particularly on women’s initiatives and interfaith activities which integrate food, textiles or crafting but I would be excited to hear from any women involved in interfaith activities. The interviews can take place in person or online, and will involve a small number of questions as prompts followed by a more wide-ranging conversation, if the participant is willing. For more information, please drop me an email on

Interfaith Initiatives
Religious womanhood in Britain
PhD Candidate

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