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Faculty of Divinity

Queer Theology
Theological Method
Literary Theory
Contextual theologies


Tanya Kundu is a Research Associate in Theology, Gender and Sexuality. She received her doctorate from the Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge, in 2024, entitled 'Precarious Theology: A Queer and Crip Reading of Augustine's Theology of Finitude'. 


Tanya's research lies in the intersection of Christian Theology and queer and literary theory. She is interested in questions of theological use, method and normativity, and of articulating how the field of queer theology occupies a distinct philosophical niche. Her research also focusses on how Christian theology affects people, and she has written about forgiveness and theological metaphor of disability. 


Key publications: 

Tanya Kundu, Metaphors of Sin and Disability in Augustine's Anti-Pelagian Writings, Modern Theology, Volume 41, Issue 1, Jan 2025, 3–20.

Tanya Kundu, Intersections of Forgiveness And ‘Queer Use’ In T.S. Eliot’s ‘Marina’, Literature and Theology, Volume 37, Issue 1, March 2023, 25–38,

Teaching and Supervisions


B13, Literature and Theology

Research Associate in Theology, Gender and Sexuality

Contact Details

Email address: 
Not available for consultancy
